Sunday, July 27, 2008

Who's doppelganger am i???

I must be chris kirpatricks doppelganger. or maybe as much as i might have tried to mask my not so secret layers of my soul that are deeply ingrained with the music of (well, i would say "my youth" but a. i am hopefully still considered young and b. i havent really stopped listening to said music...) i was on the myspace page of Arrah and the Ferns, a genuinely beautiful band, and to my untimely dismay, they have disintegrated into separate musical ventures aka why is there nothing stable in the world these days?? the only thing a man can really count on these days is his dog. and i dont even have a dog.
anyways, i digress. so i was thinking, fine, if i cant have anymore of arrah and the ferns, what can i find to be their doppelganger? (yes, that is the word of the day and YES i will use it as frequently as i can find the space for)
so, where was this story going?? oh yeah, i typed in the moffats into Pandora to try and get some inspiration and you know the first song that came up was... God must have spent a little more time. on you. By everyone’s favorite soul band, nsync. Yes, nsync was a large part of my life growing up... where would i have been without stealing justin Timberlake’s trash can, laughing until (someone) peed their pants, and then contemplating selling it on ebay? where would i have been without the thrill of running into britney spears in a hallmark store, and then making up dances in my room to her not yet as sexually charged harmonies?
i dont know. Probably a more cultured person.
i just returned from a vacation to Namibia which seemed to last a lifetime... but was incredible. An hour before we were supposed to leave I lost my wallet, Lindsey wasnt sure she was even booked because her credit card information didnt go through, Madeline found out a water pipe had burst in her house, and they wouldnt break in to fix it, and Rebecca was going to get charged 1,000 rand for not having a border pass. So we figured the worst had been over with by the time we even left lesotho.
Top Ten Things to Quicken the Heart in Namibia
10) Dead vlei... aka microsoft's screensaver of joy right beofre your eyes. an incredible pan the size of four football fields that still houses the skeletans of 900 year old trees. its ghostly and incredible.
9) having your life be an african sunset.
8) having running water and electricity AT YOUR CAMPSITE. are they kidding?? 99% of the campsites we stayed at were nicer than my house in Thaba Tseka. It was the best camping of my life. the kind with outdoor showers where you expect a butler to show up to ask if your shampoo is lathery enough for you. (it was)
7) climbing up a sand dune the size of a Pyramid to watch the sunrise... and rolling down a dune at sunset. getting sand where one should never get wassabi
6) sandboarding down a dune, and subsequently watching the video where they show lindsey falling down with teh computer added words WIPEOUT!!!!!!! on replay
5) watching two adult male lions fighting over the remains of a blue wildebeast... the accompanying sound effects (aka knawing on bone) were enough to make me give up blue wildebeast forever. luckily, not a huge part of my diet.
4) brushing your teeth, and then deciding to walk down the the watering hole to see if there are any animals who share your passion for late night water drinking and find 45 elephants quenching their thirst 20 feet away
3) almost being eaten alive by a jackal because Madeline decided to leave biscuits at the foot of our tent. Death wish, party of two.
2) eerie limeade colored reeds from the top of a rock formation and thinking that you are on a different planet
1) Don’t feed the honey badgers, please.
We survive bee stings and all. And we don’t dive, we cannonball.
all in all it was incredible and i am still kind of in shock about how extremely blessed i am to be able to experience SO MUCH in such a short amount of time. i am terrified for school to start again, for a lot of reasons, but mostly because while the past few months have been great, i have done jack shit work wise. i need to just throw myself into it, instead of finding countless other distractions, like i have been doing for the past six months.
ok, peace for now.