Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I'm made of atoms... your made of atoms. We're all in this together.

Yeah, i have a lot of freetime on the computer tonight... so i decided to break up my posts. I used to end stories with "and then i started bawling..." Which, while it was rarely ever true that my tear ducts were aware of this situation, it was exaclty how i felt at the time. I rarely ever produced the tears that I alluded to in my stories, but the emotions were there. Now... every story I tell really does end in "and then i started bawling." And its usually the truth. Its like, immediatly upon entering Lesotho my saline count increased, and I am doing my body a favor by setting the little droppers free. So I consider crying my secondary project, because crying is not really culturally appropriate or socially accepted here. So, yes I am doing my part to inform the people of Lesotho that it is okay to cry. I will keep you updated on my tales of triumph on the matter. Its just that every experience here is amplified by 1,000 because we have to deal with things almost entirely on our own. With the whole housing situation that I am going through now, its not as if I could walk next door to Walker's and explain the situation to whatever yahoo i recognized who would sympathize with me over a cup of coffee. I had to sit in the Chiefs house for an hour and a half while they spoke in a mile-a-minute Sesotho about the situation to which i had no idea what was going on. I never really realized how isolated i was until that moment. I am usually amazing at zoning out and just ignoring the situation but i genuinly wanted to know what was going on, and didnt get an explanation until hours later. The good news is that I am getting a ride up with the Country Director tomorow to check out my new house. I REALLY hope it works out. Cross your appendages for me.
Ten Things To Quicken the Heart... other than caffine.
10) Previously painted purple pancakes...perfected.
9) Estrogen
8) Slow rolling tears
7) Unexpected selfless beanie warmth
6) letters from Gramps
5) the fact that Rebecca and I can now communicate via walkie talkie
4) promises of a baobab tree
3) hopeforasolidwinter
2) Screaming at the top of my lungs into a pillow
1) Spontaneous compustion of laughter at the sight of a particular picture.

love you all.

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