Sunday, May 18, 2008

Gogi Berries and Mini Skirts

Oh the land of uncertainty, with scattered puppies and rainbows.
this past week is a blur. an amazing, time warp, alternate reality blur in which i took approxamatly 13 baths, at at lord knows how many all you can eat buffets, took a safari tour that had a "champagne interlude," travelled to the end of the world, swam in the Indian Ocean (partially) clothes, rode on an AIRPLANE, ate ice cream, and was tormented by people who i love. i love kaitlyn and vito bagnato. all in all, it was a magical time warp away from reality. My last vacation I felt guilty about being back in humanity, being a glutton and living frivoulously. This vacation, i swam in frivolity and enjoyed it immensely. I had forgotten how normal it was to live... normally. After I left vito and kay at the airport, i went into Cape Town, bought a minidress i will probably never be able to wear in Lesotho, bought some oversize sunglasses, and walked around town feeling the air on my legs. It was nice to just fit in. Not to be singled out for being white, or being a female, and not getting any odd looks. People asked me for directions, complimented my dress, treated me like a normal human being who belongs in a civilized world. And i soaked it up. I miss cities. I miss the feel of them, the bustle, the activity, the possibility of meeting a new person on every street corner.
I wonder what i am doing here. My heart feels heavy because there has been a change in my existance. A change in who I thought I could trust and who I thought cared about me. And there is so much uncertainty. I want to live and breathe and work and find my balance. But its difficult. My family comes in a month and I cant wait to see them but i just know it will make me want to come home. I wish I could find my place here already.
There is so much to look forward to the next few moths that I know they are going to fly by. But I am ready for something constant. Something (or someone) I know I can rely on. If that is a possibility...
Ok, well. Kaitlyn and Vito: well done.
i had an amazing week.
Ten Things To Quicken the Heart
10) 5 cups of coffee from 5 different coffee shops in 3 hours in Cape Town
9) being asked if i worked at the Game Reserve
8) African tuxedo's (khaki on khaki... on khaki)
6) Kaitlyn's affinity for my little sisters... and the random things she taught them
5) the sleeper bus from Cape Town to Bloemfontein
4) did i mention uncertainty?
3) my family comes in ONE MONTH
2) air, wind, water, and crossword puzzles
1) limericks

miss you all.

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